Everything To Know About Your New Great Dane

There is something about big dogs that makes them so adorable. They have a personality and aura that is unlike any other animal breed. So if you are considering getting a big dog, might as well consider getting the biggest dog of them all. We are talking about Great Dane. Great Danes are probably one of the most recognized dog breeds in the world. These dogs are literally larger than life and are amazing companions to their humans. You will definitely not regret your decision of bringing home a Great Dane pup.
If you know all about this breed, good for you. But there are a lot of people who tend to be a bit impulsive when it comes to making such decisions. They think every dog breed is similar and taking care of your pups is an easy task. Great Danes are a different breed and you should know about them in detail before you decide to bring one home.That is where we come to your rescue. In this article, we are going to talk about the things you need to know about the Great Danes.
History of the breed
To begin with, we would like to inform you that despite their name, Great Danes are not Danish. A lot of people are of the belief that Great Danes are from Germany. According to some stories, the Great Dane is said to be descended from a breed of ancient Greco-Roman war dog and a greyhound. This is why this breed is also at times referred to as the Apollo of Dogs. However, a French naturalist spotted this German dog trying to hunt a wild boar in Denmark, thus dubbing it the Great Dane.
Physical features
Although Great Dane puppies look just like every other breed, these dogs grow up to become big. And when we say big, we mean very big. Male Great Danes are 32 inches in height and weigh as much as 100 to 120 pounds. Whereas, females are up to 30 inches tall and weigh 100 to 120 pounds. So as you can imagine, they are big and incredibly heavy. They have naturally floppy ears and the length of their coat is short. These dogs are lean and slightly muscular and are available in shades like black, fawn, blue, and harlequin.
Personality traits
Great Danes are also known as gentle giants. They are very kind and friendly. In fact, they have no problem socializing with other dogs and animals. However, their size can easily intimidate other animals as well as humans. That being said, Great Danes are extremely clingy when it comes to their humans. So if you think you can get a moment for yourself whenever you want to, think again.
Great Danes also at times don’t understand the concept of space and most of them are not aware of how big they are. There is a high chance that your adult Dane will try to sit on your lap every now and then. Great Danes are also a bit lazy and love being couch potatoes.
Ideal environment
It probably goes without saying that Great Danes are not made for city apartments. These dogs are physically strong and the mere act of their tail wagging can cause destruction indoors. This is why it is better to opt for Great Danes only if you live in a home that is spacious enough to accommodate their movements. A spacious backyard to run around will be perfect for these gentle giants.
Grooming needs
Great Danes don’t shed much because the length of their coat is short. However, you will always see some mild shedding throughout the year due to the sheer size of these dogs. You will have to bathe your Great Dane once every two weeks or so. You also need to clip your dog’s nails on from time to time. And lastly, regular brushing of teeth is a must.
Great Dane training
Training is a must for these dogs because that is the only way you can control them when required. So if you don’t want them to drag you everywhere you go, get in touch with a professional trainer. However, since these dogs are so nice and patient, training them is comparatively easy. Although your Great Dane will most likely prefer being a couch potato, you need to make sure that they exercise enough to stay healthy.
Ideal human for a Great Dane
The best thing about Great Danes is that they have qualms about adjusting with just about anyone as long as you are willing to devote your affection and attention to them. These dogs are social creatures and the best way to keep them happy is to acknowledge their presence and spend time with them whenever possible. They also like meeting new people. So take them out is possible.
Life expectancy
The average life expectancy of a Great Dane is 8 to 10 years.
These are some of the things about a Great Dane you should know.
How tall is a great dane?
A male Great Dane is around 30 to 32 inches tall and 140 to 170 pounds. A female Great Dane will be between 110 and 140 pounds and about 28 to 30 inches tall in comparison.
How much is a great dane?
The average cost of a Great Dane puppy from a dog breeder is between $1,000 and $1,500 in the US, according to research conducted across a number of online sources. Although some great Dane puppies can be purchased for as little as $600 and others for more than $3000.
Great Dane price in india
In India, a Great Dane puppy can be easily purchased for between Rs. 12,000 and Rs. 35,000 but it also depends on the seller, some sell for 5k-15k. It is always advised to purchase these puppies from home-bred litters, reputable breeders, or retail stores.
How much is a great Dane puppy UK?
If you want to bring a Great Dane puppy home, be prepared to spend anywhere between £1,000 and £25,000 on a well-bred, pedigreed Great Dane puppy.
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